I recently turned 27 years old. My mom asked me if it feels strange to not be returning to school in some shape or form, since I've been doing so since my years of formal schooling began. I have repetitive dreams of leaving Eden either alone or with someone and panicking about it. I also have dreams of reuniting with old high school students, or, like last night's, they were staying at my house and I missed their stay and waved to their car as they drove out and I drove in. I've made a point of going outdoors more in August. I often spend long moments contemplating the structure and how-to of nap-time. I drink two travel-mug sizes of coffee each morning. My hair keeps falling out. I've been watching Mad Men. 6:30 wake times and 9:00 bedtimes are routine. (Let's be honest: the 9:00 bedtime has been existing for a couple years.) I am a responsible adult. I love to watch her nurse. She has dimples for knuckles, and my ears (too big), and her daddy's lips (kissy). She drapes her arms around me when she sleeps; she bites her tongue with her gums when she smiles. Of course, her nails grow too fast and she always has milk in her ears. Blue eyes, if they will stay blue. They say by 6 months you should know, which is creeping up, end of next month. She just wants to be held, smiled at, petted, talked to. We left this weird clump tied up in her hair for weeks to see if it would fall out on its own. It didn't. I want to be social. I don't. I am a responsible adult.
Mad Men. My favourite show.