Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sleep Routines
Beneath the white flannel I face
you facing red light, reflecting 
on the ceiling like water, triangle dips and swirls. Legs that once
stretched to meet my thigh, now splayed 
outgrowing the cocoon, my body 
your cradle. Holding that red dragon 
watch it fly in chubby hands, cheek surrenders
against forehead, arm 
now around my neck and pat pat pat with fingers only
feigning sleep with a sssssss-exhale. Pretend until it happens. Eyelashes 
bow and rise, surviving 
the wake, toes press until the cozy nestle melts
intentions of defiance, swallowing 
now those blurring red tones with black, red, black, still
and I know it's almost time for my escape 
those hues and softness beg my stay 
his perfect form, elongated baby.

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