Monday, October 23, 2017

Today I changed my son's diaper, accidentally smearing fecal matter onto the new diaper conveniently placed underneath the dirty diaper (a trick I learned last time). So I, feeling the weight of the waste, put both diapers in the trash. The wipe I'd placed overtop of his little wiener got adjusted in the process, so a spray miraculous in both distance and volume cascaded into the air, onto my newborn's face, and all over our blanket (but that's already covered in spitup, other pee, breast milk and blood, so at this point, who even cares about that). I wipe his face, hoping none got in his mouth, and replace the diaper, to have him defecate as soon as I had it placed--and no well-meaning mother could really just continue on at that point without nightmares of rash-bums and infant cries. The fourth diaper remains in place.


  1. As much as this is an inconvienence to you, I got a laugh out if this one!

    1. Glad to hear it. Caregivers need good sense of humours to remain sane.

  2. Lil guy a week and half old and already causing trouble
